Sunday, August 26, 2018


24 Game: 48 Card Deck, Single Digit cards Math Game

I had the opportunity to play with these cards this summer in an area math teachers circle. This is a great set of cards and also comes in a double digit set. There are many many ways to modify this game. I bought my set from Amazon but I am sure you can find it other places.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


The L Method is a speedy way to find the least common multiple and the greatest common factor at the same time. This method allows students to be successful in a shorter amount of time. I like this method because it allows more of my students to be successful. The traditional methods for finding the LCM and GCF can be hard for some students and impossible to find if they mistakenly leave out a factor or multiple from their lists.

So in my classroom, I pretest my students to see if they have a strategy that works for them. If they do not I will teach this to them.

By the way I teach this method after we have worked on the divisibility rules.


The butterfly method is a great tool that is definitely not your mommas way. It is not what students were taught "back in the day." This method can be helpful for students who struggle with finding common denominators. This struggle then means students will struggle comparing fractions, adding fractions, and subtracting fractions.


On this page you will find little morsels of stuff that I find interesting, helpful, or just plain neat. This is an opportunity for me to share little things that can be helpful in your math classroom.